woob bank

Console application able to list your bank accounts balances on supported websites and to see the expenses details, transfer money, etc.

It supports the following websites:

Get woob bank

This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.


You can run woob bank without any parameter to get an interactive prompt, or specify a command to run it directly and exit just after.

In this page we will use the interactive mode:

$ woob bank
Welcome to woob bank

Copyright(C) 2010-2021 The woob Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Type "help" to display available commands.

Loaded backends:

woob bank>

Use the help command to see what are the available commands.

For more information about common options of console applications, read this documentation.

The first time you launch woob bank, it will ask you what backends you want to add and configure. You can also use the backends command to manage them, and to enable only specific backends.

List accounts

Use this command:

bank> list

For example:

bank> list
                 Account                     Balance    Coming
 #1 (bnp)        Compte de chèques           2161.30    -452.85
 #2 (bnp)        Livret Jeune                1600.00       0.00
 #3 (ing)        Compte Titres               2542.00       0.00
                                    Total    6303.30    -452.85

Display history of an account

Use this command:

bank> history <# or ID>

For example:

bank> history 1
 Date         Category     Label                                                  Amount
 2012-03-02   Bank         COTISATION ESPRIT LIBRE                                 -3.25
 2012-03-01   Payback      CB DU 290112 SNCF INTERNET ISL                          90.00
 2012-03-01   Card         2012-02-02: WWW.HETZNER.DE CARTE 4974XXXXX             -49.00
 2012-03-01   Card         2012-02-16: LE PETIT CHATEL PARIS CARTE 49             -30.00
 2012-02-27   Withdrawal   2012-02-24 22:15: 00620017 CREDIT LYONNAIS             -40.00
 2012-02-27   Order        REGLEMENT IMPOT IR NUM 004022 ECH 27.02.              -658.00
 2012-02-08   Transfer     RECU TIERS POLE EMPLOI IDF 61 110 3988982B 0828011    1596.50

Display coming operations on an account

Similarly to the history command, for example:

bank> coming 1
 Date         Category     Label                                                  Amount
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-03-01: RELAY 324251 PARIS 15                      -24.40
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-02-29: LE BMA PARIS CARTE 497                     -22.50
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-02-29: RATP PARIS CEDEX 1 CAR                     -49.80
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-02-24: CLIN VETERINAIR LA CEL                     -73.20
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-02-24: SNC LE RALLYE PARIS CA                     -24.40
 2012-04-02   Card         2012-02-24: CASA WILL-YANN PARIS C                     -20.50

Not all banks have this feature.

Transfer money

You can transfer money with this command:

bank> transfer ACCOUNT [TO AMOUNT [REASON]]

For example:

bank> transfer 1 2 50 test
------- Transfer 20101031@bnp -------
Date:       2010-10-31 12:35:58.407272
Origin:     Compte de chèques
Recipient:  Livret jeune
Amount:     50.00

Display value of your investments

Similarly to the history command, for example:

bank> investment 3
 Label                           Code     Quantity   Unit Value  Valuation   diff
 ALSTOM REGROUPT                E:ALO          67       25.39     1700.80    -232.83
 AXA                            E:CS           40       17.12      685.00      81.00
 WPGBPUSD 1,6293 P. (J730Z)     P:J730Z       430        0.77      331.10     -47.30
                                          Total                   2716.90    -199.13

Use cases

Reuse data in accounting software

To export your account information in a qif file (which can be imported in personal account manager like grisbi, homebank, etc.) you can use this command:

bank history 0125XXXXXXXXXXX@bnp -f qif > dump.qif

An plugin is available to import history directly in KMyMoney since version 4.8.0.

Display accounts in Conky

You can add this line in ~/.conkyrc to display an account and its balance every 3600 seconds:

$color${texeci 3600 bank list -f simple --no-keys --select label,balance --condition id=0837462379182736}

Monitor accounts with Munin

Munin is a tool to graph on web pages system status (for example CPU usage, network traffic, etc.).

bank-munin is a plugin to get accounts list and graph them into munin.

To use it, create on a munin node a symlink to bank-munin in the plugins directory:

$ ln -s /path/to/bank-munin /etc/munin/plugins/bank

Then, add this section in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:

user romain
group romain
# Useful for woob to find its config files.
env.HOME /home/romain/
# Monitored accounts. If this parameter is missing, all accounts
# will be displayed.
env.bank_monitored 0125XXXXXXXXXXXX@bnp 0125XXXXXXXXXXXX@bnp
# To prevent mass connections to bank websites, results are cached.
# You can set here the expiration delay (in seconds).
env.bank_cache_expire 3600
# If enabled, coming operations are added to the value of accounts'
# balance.
env.bank_add_coming 1

Restart munin-node, then a graph will appear:

bank-munin example