woob config

Tool to manage (install, update, configure, etc.) backends.


This tool can be used to simplify backends management.

For more information about modules, please read this page.

Show available modules

$ woob config modules

Show information about a module

$ woob config info MODULE

For example:

$ woob config info youtube
| Module youtube                                                               |
| Version         | 201201211619
| Maintainer      | Christophe Benz <christophe.benz@gmail.com>
| License         | LGPLv3+
| Description     | Youtube videos website
| Capabilities    | CapVideo
| Installed       | yes
| Location        | http://updates.woob.tech/0.b/main/youtube.tar.gz
|                 |
| Configuration   | username: Email address (default: )
|                 | password: Password (default: )

Add a backend

You can create a backend from a module with:

$ woob config add MODULE [PARAMETERS]

For example:

$ woob config add youtube
Module "youtube" is available but not installed.
=== [ 30%] Module is not installed yet
=== [ 20%] Downloading module...
=== [ 50%] Checking module authenticity...
=== [ 70%] Setting up module...
=== [ 90%] Downloading icon...
=== [100%] Module youtube has been installed!

Configuration of backend youtube
[username] Email address: roger.philibert@gmail.com
[password] Password (hidden input):
Backend "youtube" successfully added.

Note: as the youtube module wasn’t installed, it has been downloaded.

You can also provide parameters on the command-line to prevent the interactive questions.

Show backends

$ woob config list
|   Name  |  Module |        Configuration                                 |
| hsbc    | hsbc    | login=61651, password=*****                          |
| youtube | youtube | username=roger.philibert@gmail.com, password=*****   |

Remove a backend

$ woob config remove BACKEND

For example:

$ woob config remove dlfp_moules

Register a new account

Some modules support the CapAccount capability and allow you to register a new account on their supported website. You can use woob config to create a new account:

$ woob config register MODULE

Then, it asks you some questions about the account to create, and finally prompts you to create a backend for this new account.