woob dating

Console application able to interact with supported dating websites and increase your popularity.
It supports the following websites:
Get woob dating
This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.
You can run woob dating without any parameter to get an interactive prompt, or specify a command to run it directly and exit just after.
In this page we will use the interactive mode:
$ woob dating Welcome to woob dating Copyright(C) 2010-2021 The woob Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. Type "help" to display available commands. Loaded backends: woob dating>
Use the help
command to see what are the available commands.
For more information about common options of console applications, read this documentation.
The first time you launch woob dating, it will ask you what backends you want to add and configure.
You can also use the backends
command to manage them, and to enable only specific backends.
See profiles
To display information about a profile, just run this command:
dating> profile id[@backend]
The id is probably an integer, and you can specify the backend where the contact is.
Every dating backends provide several optimization services to increase your popularity on website or to automate some anoying process.
To start a service, use this command:
For example:
And to stop services:
You can auto-load optimizations at startup by editing the configuration file ~/.config/woob/dating
[GLOBAL] # Optimizations to auto-enable optimizations = PROFILE_WALKER VISIBILITY
This optimization service is used to walk on profiles. It is usefull to show people you exist, when they can see who visite their profile.
Note that in future, it will be associated with the SCORING optimization service.
This optimization is used to increase your visibility on website. It depends on each websites, so there isn’t any explicit explanation.
For example, the AuM
backend will reconnects to website every five minutes to go back on top research results.
This optimization service doesn’t exist yet.
It can establish a score for a profile from criterias.
If combinated with PROFILE_WALKER, each time a profile is visited, a score is calculated, and if it’s positive, it will contact the person.