woob housing-qt

Graphical application able to search for housings on supported websites and to bookmark or annotate them.
It supports the following websites:
Get woob housing-qt
This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.
In addition to woob dependencies, woob housing-qt requires:
- python-pyqt5

Create queries
Click on + button on top of window. A dialog will appear.
Firstly, name the query and precise if this is for a rent or a sale.
Then, search cities and add them in the list on the right side. Note that a city is associated to a single backend, so if you have several backends enabled, just select the wanted city as many times as there is in list from each backend.
Finally, enter several criteria like number of room, minimal area and maximal cost.
Search housings
Select the query in list and wait for replies from backends. New housings will be displayed in blue.
When you select a housing, a right panel is displayed with details and photos.
You can add notes on the bottom text area which will be stored and displayed in list.
To bookmark a housing, just click on the checkbox next to the housing title. Bookmarked housings will be colored in red in results list.
To view all bookmarked housings, click on the button Bookmarks on bottom.