woob msg

Console application able to read (and send, if supported) public and private messages.
It supports the following websites:
Get woob msg
This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.
You can run woob msg without any parameter to get an interactive prompt, or specify a command to run it directly and exit just after.
In this page we will use the interactive mode:
$ woob msg Welcome to woob msg Copyright(C) 2010-2021 The woob Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. Type "help" to display available commands. Loaded backends: woob msg>
Use the help
command to see what are the available commands.
For more information about common options of console applications, read this documentation.
The first time you launch woob msg, it will ask you what backends you want to add and configure.
You can also use the backends
command to manage them, and to enable only specific backends.
Post a message
You can post a message to someone with the post
msg> post ID
Then, it asks you to enter the message content, then type EOF (Ctrl-D
) to send it.
For example:
msg>post 0612345678@sfr Reading message content from stdin... Type ctrl-D from an empty line to post message. Hi dear, can you buy some sugar? I'll stroke your little pussy tonight. msg>
List messages
To get threads list, use:
msg>list * (1) Promenades et Cartographie à Poitiers (dlfp) 2010-12-01 10:10:13.000002 * (2) OpenStreetMap : Cartopartie Accessibilité à Paris (dlfp) 2010-12-01 08:30:06.000002 * (3) Faire évoluer LinuxFr.org (dlfp) 2010-11-30 09:53:42.000001
Then, you can list messages of a thread with:
msg> list 3 * (1) [--]Concours : Faire évoluer LinuxFr.org (dlfp) * (2) [N-] Effectivement (dlfp) * (3) [N-] Re: Effectivement (dlfp) * (4) [N-] Re: Effectivement (dlfp) * (5) [N-] < Nic0> Question sur les URL (dlfp) * (6) [N-] Re: Question sur les URL (dlfp) * (7) [N-] < _seb_> Re: Question sur les URL (dlfp) * (8) [N-] J'ai bien une idée... (dlfp) * (9) [N-] Je suis peut-être optimiste mais... (dlfp) * (10) [N-] Re: J'ai bien une idée... (dlfp)
Displayed flags are:
- N is an unread message
- U is a message not delivered yet
- R is a delivered message
Read a message
Use the show
msg> show 2 Title: Effectivement Date: 2010-11-30 10:25:00+00:00 From: José JORGE Il faut du graphisme dans le nouveau site : il est pour l'instant assez illisible. Pourquoi ne pas avoir gardé le style actuel, histoire de ne pas accumuler les bugs lors de la migration?
Use cases
Send system alerts to your phone
Through setting up a cron task, you can send the result of a command to you phone by SMS, for example:
@daily rkhunter --report-warnings-only --cronjob | msg post 0612345678@bouygues -e
Every day, it will send the rkhunter report to your mobile phone.
Note that -e
is used to avoid sending a message if the report is empty.