woob smtp

Daemon application able to fetch messages from supported websites and send them by mail. It can also be used to send a reply to a message (on a module which supports this feature), by piping an email to it.

It supports the following websites:

Get woob smtp

This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.




You just have to run:

$ woob smtp run

Then it will work correctly in background.

Reply to messages

You can also use woob smtp to reply to received messages. You just need to pipe an email:

$ cat reply_email.txt | woob smtp post

The In-Reply-To header must be defined, to determine to which thread and message you answer.

You can also change the To username (before the @) to select with which backend you want to answer.


Create a file named ~/.config/woob/smtp and add in:

# Interval to check new messages
interval = 300

# Domain of the *From:* email address
domain = woob.example.com

# Recipient of emails
recipient = romain@example.com

# SMTP server to use
smtp = mail.example.org

# Instead of using a SMTP relay, you can enable this setting to pipe mails to
# an external command. It overrides the 'smtp' parameter.
# pipe = procmail

# Send emails in HTML or in plaintext
html = 0

Don’t forget to configure the modules.

Use a fake SMTP server

If you want reply to a mail with your MUA, you can run woob smtp with the -S parameter which run a fake smtp server:

$ woob smtp run -S 2525

Note: 2525 is the port to listen on

Then, add the localhost:2525 SMTP server to your MUA. When you answer to a woob smtp mail, you can select this.

And… that’s it!

Example with Postfix


Open /etc/postfix/main.cf and add woob.example.org in the relay_domain:

relay_domains = mydomain.org woob.example.org
transport_maps= hash:/etc/postfix/transport


Add the woob service with this lines at end of file:

woob     unix -        n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=FR user=rom1
  argv=/usr/local/bin/woob-smtp post

Correctly replace rom1 by the system user who will run script.


Open /etc/postfix/transport and add this line:

woob.example.org     woob:

Do not forget to run this command to make the modification effective:

postmap /etc/postfix/transport


Restart postfix, and you’ll be able to reply to the received messages.