woob travel

Console application able to show public transportation timetables on supported websites.

It supports the following websites:

Get woob travel

This application is part of woob. To install it, please read this page.


You can run woob travel without any parameter to get an interactive prompt, or specify a command to run it directly and exit just after.

In this page we will use the interactive mode:

$ woob travel
Welcome to woob travel

Copyright(C) 2010-2021 The woob Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Type "help" to display available commands.

Loaded backends:

woob travel>

Use the help command to see what are the available commands.

For more information about common options of console applications, read this documentation.

The first time you launch woob travel, it will ask you what backends you want to add and configure. You can also use the backends command to manage them, and to enable only specific backends.

Search for a station

Use this command:

travel> stations PATTERN

For example:

travel> stations paris
|          Id         |                Name                |
| CPA@transilien      | CORMEILLES EN PARISIS              |
| PMP@transilien      | PARIS MONTPARNASSE                 |
| VII@transilien      | VILLEPARISIS MITRY LE NEUF         |
| OCE87983940@canaltp | paris bastille                     |
| OCE87983619@canaltp | porte de paris                     |
| OCE87442442@canaltp | montauban prax paris               |
| OCE87547000@canaltp | gare de Paris-Austerlitz (75000)   |
| OCE87686667@canaltp | gare de Paris-Bercy (75000)        |
| OCE87113001@canaltp | gare de Paris-Est (75000)          |
| OCE87391003@canaltp | gare de Paris-Montparnasse (75000) |
| OCE87271007@canaltp | gare de Paris-Nord (75000)         |
| OCE87712133@canaltp | paris l''hopital (71150)           |
| OCE87686006@canaltp | gare de Paris-Gare-de-Lyon (75000) |

Display timetables


travel> depatures STATION_ID [ARRIVAL_ID]


travel> departures OCE87113001@canaltp
|     Id    |       Type       |         Time        | Departure station | Arrival station |   Late   |   Information   |
| 0@canaltp | Corail Intercité | 2010-10-17 15:09:00 | gare de Paris-Est | Troyes          | 00:10:00 | Grèves SNCF;    |
| 1@canaltp | TGV              | 2010-10-17 15:24:00 | gare de Paris-Est | muenchen hbf    | 00:00:00 |                 |
| 2@canaltp | TGV              | 2010-10-17 16:09:00 | gare de Paris-Est | luxembourg      | 00:00:00 |                 |
| 3@canaltp | TGV              | 2010-10-17 16:12:00 | gare de Paris-Est | Nancy-Ville     | 00:00:00 |                 |
| 4@canaltp | TGV              | 2010-10-17 16:24:00 | gare de Paris-Est | Strasbourg      | 00:00:00 | Train supprimé; |

Get a roadmap


travel> roadmap DEPARTURE ARRIVAL


travel> roadmap Puteaux Aulnay-sous-bois
|      Id      |  Line | Start time | End time |          Departure           |                   Arrival                   | Duration |
| 0@transilien | Train | 17:16:00   | 17:18:00 | GARE DE PUTEAUX ( Puteaux)   | LA DEFENSE [train] ( Puteaux)               | 0:02:00  |
| 1@transilien | RER A | 17:30:00   | 17:39:00 | LA DEFENSE [RER] ( Puteaux)  | CHATELET LES HALLES ( Paris)                | 0:09:00  |
| 2@transilien | RER B | 17:47:00   | 18:02:00 | CHATELET LES HALLES ( Paris) | GARE D'AULNAY SOUS BOIS ( Aulnay-sous-Bois) | 0:15:00  |

If you call it from the command-line, you can add one of these parameters:

  • —departure-time
  • —arrival-time

For example:

$ woob travel roadmap Puteaux Versailles Rive Droite --arrival-time 20:00
|      Id      |  Line | Start time | End time |            Departure            |                   Arrival                    | Duration |
| 0@transilien | Train | 19:31:00   | 19:38:00 | GARE DE PUTEAUX ( Puteaux)      | GARE DE ST CLOUD ( Saint-Cloud)              | 0:07:00  |
| 1@transilien | Train | 19:45:00   | 19:59:00 | GARE DE ST CLOUD ( Saint-Cloud) | GARE DE VERSAILLES RIVE DROITE ( Versailles) | 0:14:00  |